Quick-and-dirty way to ensure only one instance of

2019-01-03 07:11发布

What's a quick-and-dirty way to make sure that only one instance of a shell script is running at a given time?

2楼-- · 2019-01-03 07:45

Here's an implementation that uses a lockfile and echoes a PID into it. This serves as a protection if the process is killed before removing the pidfile:

if [ -e ${LOCKFILE} ] && kill -0 `cat ${LOCKFILE}`; then
    echo "already running"

# make sure the lockfile is removed when we exit and then claim it
trap "rm -f ${LOCKFILE}; exit" INT TERM EXIT
echo $$ > ${LOCKFILE}

# do stuff
sleep 1000

rm -f ${LOCKFILE}

The trick here is the kill -0 which doesn't deliver any signal but just checks if a process with the given PID exists. Also the call to trap will ensure that the lockfile is removed even when your process is killed (except kill -9).

3楼-- · 2019-01-03 07:45

Here's an approach that combines atomic directory locking with a check for stale lock via PID and restart if stale. Also, this does not rely on any bashisms.


SCRIPTNAME=$(basename $0)

if ! mkdir $LOCKDIR 2>/dev/null
    # lock failed, but check for stale one by checking if the PID is really existing
    PID=$(cat $PIDFILE)
    if ! kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null
       echo "Removing stale lock of nonexistent PID ${PID}" >&2
       rm -rf $LOCKDIR
       echo "Restarting myself (${SCRIPTNAME})" >&2
       exec "$0" "$@"
    echo "$SCRIPTNAME is already running, bailing out" >&2
    exit 1
    # lock successfully acquired, save PID
    echo $$ > $PIDFILE


echo hello

sleep 30s

echo bye
4楼-- · 2019-01-03 07:46

I find that bmdhack's solution is the most practical, at least for my use case. Using flock and lockfile rely on removing the lockfile using rm when the script terminates, which can't always be guaranteed (e.g., kill -9).

I would change one minor thing about bmdhack's solution: It makes a point of removing the lock file, without stating that this is unnecessary for the safe working of this semaphore. His use of kill -0 ensures that an old lockfile for a dead process will simply be ignored/over-written.

My simplified solution is therefore to simply add the following to the top of your singleton:

## Test the lock
if [ -e ${LOCKFILE} ] && kill -0 `cat ${LOCKFILE}`; then
    echo "Script already running. bye!"

## Set the lock 
echo $$ > ${LOCKFILE}

Of course, this script still has the flaw that processes that are likely to start at the same time have a race hazard, as the lock test and set operations are not a single atomic action. But the proposed solution for this by lhunath to use mkdir has the flaw that a killed script may leave behind the directory, thus preventing other instances from running.

5楼-- · 2019-01-03 07:47

You can use GNU Parallel for this as it works as a mutex when called as sem. So, in concrete terms, you can use:

sem --id SCRIPTSINGLETON yourScript

If you want a timeout too, use:

sem --id SCRIPTSINGLETON --semaphoretimeout -10 yourScript

Timeout of <0 means exit without running script if semaphore is not released within the timeout, timeout of >0 mean run the script anyway.

Note that you should give it a name (with --id) else it defaults to the controlling terminal.

GNU Parallel is a very simple install on most Linux/OSX/Unix platforms - it is just a Perl script.

6楼-- · 2019-01-03 07:50

There's a wrapper around the flock(2) system call called, unimaginatively, flock(1). This makes it relatively easy to reliably obtain exclusive locks without worrying about cleanup etc. There are examples on the man page as to how to use it in a shell script.

The star\"
7楼-- · 2019-01-03 07:50

For shell scripts, I tend to go with the mkdir over flock as it makes the locks more portable.

Either way, using set -e isn't enough. That only exits the script if any command fails. Your locks will still be left behind.

For proper lock cleanup, you really should set your traps to something like this psuedo code (lifted, simplified and untested but from actively used scripts) :

# Predefined Global Variables

[[ ! -d $TMP_DIR ]] \
    && mkdir -p $TMP_DIR \
    && chmod 700 $TMPDIR


# Functions

function mklock {
    __lockdir="$LOCK_DIR/$(date +%s.%N).$$" # Private Global. Use Epoch.Nano.PID

    # If it can create $LOCK_DIR then no other instance is running
    if $(mkdir $LOCK_DIR)
        mkdir $__lockdir  # create this instance's specific lock in queue
        LOCK_EXISTS=true  # Global
        echo "FATAL: Lock already exists. Another copy is running or manually lock clean up required."
        exit 1001  # Or work out some sleep_while_execution_lock elsewhere

function rmlock {
    [[ ! -d $__lockdir ]] \
        && echo "WARNING: Lock is missing. $__lockdir does not exist" \
        || rmdir $__lockdir

# Private Signal Traps Functions {{{2
# DANGER: SIGKILL cannot be trapped. So, try not to `kill -9 PID` or 
#         there will be *NO CLEAN UP*. You'll have to manually remove 
#         any locks in place.
function __sig_exit {

    # Place your clean up logic here 

    # Remove the LOCK
    [[ -n $LOCK_EXISTS ]] && rmlock

function __sig_int {
    echo "WARNING: SIGINT caught"    
    exit 1002

function __sig_quit {
    echo "SIGQUIT caught"
    exit 1003

function __sig_term {
    echo "WARNING: SIGTERM caught"    
    exit 1015

# Main

# Set TRAPs
trap __sig_exit EXIT    # SIGEXIT
trap __sig_int INT      # SIGINT
trap __sig_quit QUIT    # SIGQUIT
trap __sig_term TERM    # SIGTERM



exit # No need for cleanup code here being in the __sig_exit trap function

Here's what will happen. All traps will produce an exit so the function __sig_exit will always happen (barring a SIGKILL) which cleans up your locks.

Note: my exit values are not low values. Why? Various batch processing systems make or have expectations of the numbers 0 through 31. Setting them to something else, I can have my scripts and batch streams react accordingly to the previous batch job or script.

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