I need to use the jquery datatable server-side processing (http://datatables.net) for my asp.net mvc (C#) application.
My application has thousands of records to show in the table as list. I am using jquery datatable to enable paging, filtering and search.
Is there any good reference/articles for jquery datatable server-side processing to use with asp.net mvc (C#)?
This is an example project, you can download it and by debugging get a feel for how DataTables works with .NET MVC. It helped me get find footing in the topic.
Hi this link may be helpful to you...
Here the article about jQuery Datatable server side pagination and sorting in ASP.NET MVC , explained step by step in asp.net mvc (C#) as server dside I will refer this article [jQuery Datatable server side pagination and sorting in ASP.NET MVC
jQuery code for setup jQuery Datables
2 links :
Please follow this Code Its very Simple
And This is Controller method
I would suggest ALMMa DataTables
In the official website that you referred, there is a complete reference Here.
I hope that it can help.