I have .when('/center', '/center/question')
in my angular web app.
When I type '/center'
in my browser it will redirect to '/center/question'
as I expect but when I click the <a ui-sref="center" href="#/center"></a>
, it won't redirect and just stay on the url '/center'
There is no error in my console and I don't know why.
I see one similar issue here Angular UI-Router $urlRouterProvider .when not working anymore.I try the answer but it still don't work for me.
Here is my coffeescript code:
whenConfig = ['$urlRouterProvider', ($urlRouterProvider) ->
# default url config
.otherwise '/center'
.when '/center', '/center/question'
stateConfig = ['$stateProvider', ($stateProvider) ->
# nested url config
capitalize = (s)->
s[0].toUpperCase() + s[1..]
mainConfig = ({
name: name
url: "/#{name}"
templateUrl: "templates/#{name}.html"
controller: "#{capitalize name}Ctrl"
} for name in ['center', 'keywordList', 'keywordConfig', 'log', 'stat'])
centerConfig = ({
name: "center.#{name}"
url: "/#{name}?page"
templateUrl: "templates/center/#{name}.html"
controller: "Center#{capitalize name}Ctrl"
thead: (CenterService) ->
CenterService.getThead @self.name
data: (CenterService, $stateParams) ->
CenterService.fetchItems @self.name, $stateParams.page
} for name in ['question', 'answer', 'comment', 'article'])
for singleConfig in mainConfig
$stateProvider.state singleConfig
for childConfig in centerConfig
$stateProvider.state childConfig
app.config whenConfig
app.config stateConfig
There is a new working plunker (extending the Angular UI-Router $urlRouterProvider .when not working *anymore*), which should be working with the version
Previous solution
Until version
we could use$urlRouterProvider.when()
, suggested in documenation (small cite):So this was solution shown in the Q & A mentioned above:
Now - we cannot.
UI-Router "FIX" in
It is due to "FIX" (which I am simply not sure about), mentioned in the release 0.2.13
And here is the new code added in the urlRouter.js:
This piece of code is optimizing/fixing some other issue ... but also, turning off the
As already mentioned, this brand new plunker shows the way with version 0.2.13+. We just have to listen to state change, and if the state is "app.list" we can go to its detail with some id...
Check the plunker here
You can do this in your controller too. I think it is cleaner than listening to state changes.