Run Template in Template (recursion) within unders

2019-02-04 08:18发布

I am using backbone.js and underscore.js to build an javascript application. Since hours of reading and trying to run a template within a template like below, it is getting more and more frustrating.

My template using the build in underscore.js template engine:

<script id="navigation_template" type="text/template">
  <div><%= title %>
      <% _.each(children, function(child) { %>
          <% render_this_template_recursively(child) %>
      <% }); %>

I would like to render this template for every child element ( render_this_template_recursively(child) ).

How can I do this?


2楼-- · 2019-02-04 08:43

I implemented this recently using backbone-relational. I created a fiddle that I thought might be helpful if you want to see a working solution:

I've posted the relevant bits below.

The view:

var FolderView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $("#main"),

    template: _.template($("#folder-tmpl").html()),

    render: function () {
            "folder": parentFolder.toJSON(),
            "templateFn": this.template
        return this;

The html/template:

<ul id="main"></ul>

<script type="text/template" id="folder-tmpl">
        <a href="#" class="folder"><%= folder.title %></a>
        <% if(folder.children.length) { %><ul><% } %>
        <% _.each(folder.children, function(child) { %>
            <%= templateFn({"folder": child, "templateFn": templateFn}) %>
        <% }); %>
        <% if(folder.children.length) { %></ul><% } %>
3楼-- · 2019-02-04 08:44

A recursive template can look something like this:

    <% entries.forEach(function (entry) { %>
        <%= entry.title %>
        if (entry.children) {
                entries: entry.children,
                tmpl: tmpl
    <% }); %>

First, pre-compile your template:

entriesTmpl = _.template(entriesTmpl);

Then call it while passing both your data and the template itself:

    entries: entryTree,
    tmpl: entriesTmpl
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4楼-- · 2019-02-04 08:46

I've not personally tried this but _.template returns a function (I've named it templateFn to emphasize that), so you could pass it into the template like this:

var templateFn = _.template($('#navigation_template').html());

$(this.el).html(templateFn({model: this.model, templateFn: templateFn}));

Notice that i'm passing in the whole model (assuming that your model has a children property which is itself a collection of backbone models) and your template would be changed to:

<script id="navigation_template" type="text/template">
  <div><%= model.escape('title') %>
      <% _.each(model.children, function(child) { %>
          <%= templateFn(child, templateFn) %>
      <% }); %>

Good luck. I hope this works for you

5楼-- · 2019-02-04 08:52

I just successfully tried this. I tested it with only pure UnderscoreJS, no BackboneJS but functionally it shouldn't matter.

Here is the code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="underscore.js"></script>    

.container {
  position: relative;
  margin-bottom: 20px;

#container {
  position: relative;
  margin: auto;

.fib-box {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  background: rgba(0,68,242,0.15);
  border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.20); 

.header {
  padding-bottom: 10px;


    <div class="header">
        <h3>Render Fibonacci With UnderscoreJS</h3>
        <form id="updateCount">
            <input type="text" value="13" id="fibSequence" />
            <input type="submit" value="Update" />

    <div class="container">
    <div id="container">


<script type="text/template" id="template">
<% if(depth){ %>
<div class='fib-box' data-depth='<%= depth %>' style='width: <%= val %>px; height: <%= val %>px;'></div>
<% print(template(getFibObj(depth-1))) %>
<% } %>

<script type="text/javascript">

var template;


    template = _.template($("#template").text());

    $("#updateCount").submit( function(){

        $("#container").html( template( getFibObj($("#fibSequence").val()) ) );

        var width = $("#container .fib-box:first").css("width");
        $("#container").css( {width: width, 'min-height': width} );

        return false;


function getFibObj(i){
    return {depth: i, val: fib(i)};

function fib(i){
    return ( i == 0 || i == 1 ) ? i : fib(i-1) + fib(i-2);


6楼-- · 2019-02-04 09:03

I've tried to use example presented by timDunham and Ates Goral, but it did not work for me, so I've made a little upgrade for it. Find it below.


    template: _.template($("#tree").html()),

    render: function () {
            options: this.collection.toJSON(),
            templateFn: this.template

and template:

<script type="text/template" id="tree">
    <% _.each(options, function (node) { %>
        <li><%= node.title %></li>
        <% if (node.children) { %>
            <%= templateFn({ options: node.children, templateFn: templateFn }) %>
        <% } %>
    <% }); %>

And it works pretty good for me. The main difference, as you can see, is the passing configuration object into templateFn, instead of arguments. Hope you'll find it useful.

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