When using the built-in Publish feature of Visual Studio 2010 with a web application that includes Razor views (.cshtml or .vbhtml), the publish service does not copy the Razor view files.
This occurs both on a local "File System" publish as well as a remote publish using Web Deploy, using the November 9 Release Candidate.
Are there any known workarounds?
(This answer is mostly if someone finds this through google etc)
As @Ted Ballou pointed out you need to change output type to Content. This can be quite cumbersome if you, like me, have 100+ files in different subfolders.
Especially since you can't update multiple files at once if there's a folder included in the selection.
Instead of changing through the GUI, open the project file and modify the settings directly.
change items like:<None Include="Views\Foo\Bar.cshtml />
I used the following Regular Expression to replace all files:
Search for:
<None Include="(.+)\.cshtml" />
Replace with:
<Content Include="$1.cshtml" />
Now Visual Studio should treat all your changed cshtml as
on publish.You need to set the build action to "Content" under properties.
Edit: You have to do this on each of the files that aren't being copied over.
Edit 2: I did some poking around, and found a forum posting over at msdn, sounds like you can edit the registry, or create a pkdef file.