I created my own view for login. However if a user goes directly to /admin it brings them to the admin login page and doesn't use my custom view. How can I make it redirect to the login view used for everything not /admin?
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This is my solution with custom AdminSite class:
I found a very simple solution.
Just tell django that the url for admin login is handle by your own login view
You just need to modify the urls.py fle of the project (note, not the application one)
from your_app_name import views
url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls))
url(r'^admin/login/', views.your_login_view),
This is an example
While @Isaac's solution should reject majority of malicious bots, it doesn't provide protection for professional penetrating. As a logged in user gets the following message when trying to login to admin:
We should instead use the admin decorator to reject all non-privileged users:
To the best of my knowledge, the decorator was added in 1.9.