I upgraded my Xcode SDK to version 10 last night and then find I cannot build.
I'm getting this error:
Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/call01/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Comp-Lite-Apps-gytvmossqptokeafrddvvmnlzadk/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/SG11.app/SG11
which did not exist before my upgrade and I'm tempted to revert back but would like to stick with version 10 if I can resolve this issue.
The above solution eventually works for me; however, I need to do some more extra steps to finally make it to compile successfully. (These extra steps were required even on Xcode 9.)
open the right navigation pane where your project files exist OR JSUT click on cmd + 1 Then search for "Recovered References" Folder open it all red files (delete them) then everything will work so fine .
Try to switch back to the
Legacy Build System
(File > Project Settings > Workspace Settings > Legacy Build System
)For me In Xcode 10, This solutions worked like a charm. Just go to the Recovered References folder and remove all files in red color and add it again with proper reference.
I fixed this issue this way: go to your project's Build Phases (click on project icon at the top, and then click on Build Phases). Search for your file there. If it's there (it'll be grayed out), delete it. Then clean (shift + alt + command + k), and run! Hope it helps.