I have found different articles about this exception but none of them was my case. Here is the source code:
class Program
private static Mutex mutex;
private static bool mutexIsLocked = false;
static void Main(string[] args)
ICrmService crmService =
new ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.CrmServiceWrapper(GetCrmService("Armsoft", "crmserver"));
//Lock mutex for concurrent access to workflow
mutex = new Mutex(true, "ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.FilterCtiCallLogActivity");
mutexIsLocked = true;
//Create object for updating filtered cti call log
ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.FilterCtiCallLog filterCtiCallLog =
new ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.FilterCtiCallLog(crmService);
//Bind events
filterCtiCallLog.CtiCallsRetrieved += new EventHandler<ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs>(filterCtiCallLog_CtiCallsRetrieved);
//Execute filter
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (mutexIsLocked)
mutexIsLocked = false;
static void filterCtiCallLog_CtiCallsRetrieved(object sender,
ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs e)
if (mutexIsLocked)
mutexIsLocked = false;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
function executes requests to server, and raises some events, one of which is CtiCallsRetrieve
event. And I need to release the mutex when this event is fired. But on calling the mutex.Release() function exception is thrown. CreateFilteredCtiCallLogSync
works synchronously. What is the problem?
Maybe not the most meaningful error message, I've seen this happen in some third party code as below,