Been struggling for several hours now trying to import CSV, uploaded from client using meteor-file and converted to CSV using node-csv server-side. I basically need to populate my collection with data from a CSV file uploaded by the user.
'uploadFile': function (file) {
if(file.start === 0) {
var buffer = new Buffer(;
{comment: '#', delimiter: ',', quote: ''}
.to.array( function(data){
for(var row=0; row<data.length; row++) {
newRecord = {
'firstname': data[row][0],
'lastname': data[row][1],
'email': data[row][2],
'emailshort': data[row][3],
'emailmain': data[row][4],
'domain': data[row][5]
reas.insert(newRecord); // *** _dynamic_meteor ERROR here!
} );
} // uploadFile
The console.log tells me that the CSV to array conversion is fine.
Collection reas is setup as a Collection in /lib/models.js - /lib is at the same level as /server & /client.
I've tried having a global variable outside of the Meteor.method() and storing the result of the conversion into that, and I've also tried using a Session.set(), but I just can't seem to get at the results of the conversion, outside of the method().
UPDATED - 2013-10-11
My /libs/models.js looks like this:
reas = new Meteor.Collection("RegisteredEmailAddresses");
/*checks to see if the current user making the request to update is the admin user */
function adminUser(userId) {
var adminUser = Meteor.users.findOne({username:"admin"});
return (userId && adminUser && userId === adminUser._id);
insert: function(userId, doc){
return adminUser(userId);
update: function(userId, docs, fields, modifier){
return adminUser(userId);
remove: function (userId, docs){
return adminUser(userId);
Shouldn't that be /lib not /libs? Maybe reas is not being defined in time?
Updated 2013-10-09
If I leave in the line
I get the error message below. If I remove that line, i don't.
Error message:
W2036-20:56:29.463(1)? (STDERR) packages/mongo-livedata.js:1862
W2036-20:56:29.471(1)? (STDERR) throw e;
W2036-20:56:29.475(1)? (STDERR) ^
W2036-20:56:29.953(1)? (STDERR) Error: Meteor code must always run within a Fiber. Try wrapping callbacks that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment.
W2036-20:56:29.958(1)? (STDERR) at Object.Meteor.bindEnvironment (packages/meteor/dynamics_nodejs.js:60)
W2036-20:56:29.958(1)? (STDERR) at null.<anonymous> (packages/meteor/helpers.js:108)
W2036-20:56:29.959(1)? (STDERR) at MongoConnection.(anonymous function) [as insert] (packages/mongo-livedata/mongo_driver.js:491)
W2036-20:56:29.964(1)? (STDERR) at Meteor.Collection.(anonymous function) [as insert] (packages/mongo-livedata/collection.js:448)
W2036-20:56:29.965(1)? (STDERR) at app/server/server.js:37:20
W2036-20:56:29.966(1)? (STDERR) at null.<anonymous> (/home/russell/.meteorite/packages/node-csv-npm/Dsyko/meteor-node-csv/01be0e3e834a4f033121cb3fcc92c2697741170d/.build/npm/node_modules/csv/lib/to.js:274:14)
W2036-20:56:29.967(1)? (STDERR) at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
W2036-20:56:29.971(1)? (STDERR) at null.<anonymous> (/home/russell/.meteorite/packages/node-csv-npm/Dsyko/meteor-node-csv/01be0e3e834a4f033121cb3fcc92c2697741170d/.build/npm/node_modules/csv/lib/index.js:214:17)
W2036-20:56:29.972(1)? (STDERR) at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:92:17)
W2036-20:56:29.975(1)? (STDERR) at Transformer.end (/home/russell/.meteorite/packages/node-csv-npm/Dsyko/meteor-node-csv/01be0e3e834a4f033121cb3fcc92c2697741170d/.build/npm/node_modules/csv/lib/transformer.js:241:17)
So it turns out because CSV() uses a callback and runs Asynchronous code, I needed to use a 'Future'. For more explaination see
here's my working code:
I wanted to find a solution that didn't load the entire CSV file into memory, for use with large datasets. Here's my solution that uses Meteor.bindEnvironment, along with node-csv, to parse a CSV file into a Meteor Collection.
Thanks to the folks on #meteor for the help.