The confusion is because of the different MVC architechture diagrams floating on the internet: Since the question would be too broad I want to concentrate on the MVC's used for WebApplications.
Say: Zend Framework
Probably the best one I have seen.
example 2:
example 3:
Model-view-controller concept. The solid line represents a direct association, the dashed an indirect association (via an observer for example).
What I am mainly concentrating is on, how the view interacts with controller(s) & model(s) vice versa.
An example of MVC vs MVP:
Since no answer was posted, I decided to post one. This is largely based on
Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture (WEB) (PDF) . Pointed to by: Tom Ingram (Thanks).
The article is by:
John Deacon is a lecturer and writer. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Pragmatic Approach. (for more on the author refer the section
About the author
here )Now, the diagram best suited for the MVC architecture is:
The three parts:
:*Read carefully and digest.
There is also about (go through them):
"Model" confusion
& about how the communication should occur:
I think this should give us a very clear picture of
What is the actual pattern for MVC?