C# Paradigms: Side effects on Lists

2019-02-03 09:48发布

I am trying to evolve my understanding of side effects and how they should be controlled and applied.

In the following List of flights, I want to set a property of each flight satisfying a conditions:

IEnumerable<FlightResults> fResults = getResultsFromProvider();

//Set all non-stop flights description
fResults.Where(flight => flight.NonStop)
        .Select(flight => flight.Description = "Fly Direct!");

In this expression, I have a side effect on my list. From my limited knowledge I know for ex. "LINQ is used for queries only" and "There are only a few operations to lists and assigning or setting values is not one of them" and "lists should be immutable".

  • What is wrong with my LINQ statement above and how should it be changed?
  • Where can I get more information on the fundamental paradigms on the scenario I have described above?

2楼-- · 2019-02-03 10:26

Your LINQ code does not "directly" violate the guidelines you mention, because you are not modifying the list itself; you are just modifying some property on the contents of the list.

However, the main objection that drives these guidelines remains: you should not be modifying data with LINQ (also, you are abusing Select to perform your side effects).

Not modifying any data can be justified pretty easily. Consider this snippet:

fResults.Where(flight => flight.NonStop)  

Do you see where this is modifying the flight properties? Neither will many maintenance programmers, since they will stop reading after the Where -- the code that follows is obviously free of side effects since this is a query, right?

[Nitpick: Certainly, seeing a query whose return value is not retained is a dead giveaway that the query does have side effects or that the code should have been removed; in any case, that "something is wrong". But it's so much easier to say that when there are only 2 lines of code to look at instead of pages upon pages.]

As a correct solution, I would recommend this:

foreach (var x in fResults.Where(flight => flight.NonStop))
    x.Description = "Fly Direct!";

Pretty easy to both write and read.

Deceive 欺骗
3楼-- · 2019-02-03 10:28

You have two ways of achieving it the LINQ way:

  1. explicit foreach loop

    foreach(Flight f in fResults.Where(flight => flight.NonStop))
      f.Description = "Fly Direct!";
  2. with a ForEach operator, made for the side effects:

    fResults.Where(flight => flight.NonStop)
            .ForEach(flight => flight.Description = "Fly Direct!");

The first way is quite heavy for such a simple task, the second way should only be used with very short bodies.

Now, you might ask yourself why there isn't a ForEach operator in the LINQ stack. It's quite simple - LINQ is supposed to be a functional way of expressing query operations, which especially means that none of the operators are supposed to have side effects. The design team decided against adding a ForEach operator to the stack because the only usage is its side effect.

A usual implementation of the ForEach operator would be like this:

public static class EnumerableExtension
  public static void ForEach<T> (this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<T> action)
    if(source == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

    foreach(T obj in source)

4楼-- · 2019-02-03 10:28

There is nothing wrong with it perse, except that you need to iterate it somehow, like calling Count() on it.

From a 'style' perspective it is not good. One would not expect an iterator to mutate a list value/property.

IMO the following would be better:

foreach (var x in fResults.Where(flight => flight.NonStop))
  x.Description = "Fly Direct!";

The intent is much clearer to the reader or maintainer of the code.

5楼-- · 2019-02-03 10:28

You should break that up into two blocks of code, one for the retrieval and one for setting the value:

var nonStopFlights = fResults.Where(f => f.NonStop);

foreach(var flight in nonStopFlights)
    flight.Description = "Fly Direct!";

Or, if you really hate the look of foreach you could try:

var nonStopFlights = fResults.Where(f => f.NonStop).ToList();

// ForEach is a method on List that is acceptable to make modifications inside.
nonStopFlights.ForEach(f => f.Description = "Fly Direct!");
6楼-- · 2019-02-03 10:32

I like using foreach when I'm actually changing something. Something like

foreach (var flight in fResults.Where(f => f.NonStop))
  flight.Description = "Fly Direct!";

and so does Eric Lippert in his article about why LINQ does not have a ForEach helper method.

But we can go a bit deeper here. I am philosophically opposed to providing such a method, for two reasons.

The first reason is that doing so violates the functional programming principles that all the other sequence operators are based upon. Clearly the sole purpose of a call to this method is to cause side effects.

7楼-- · 2019-02-03 10:35

One problem with that approach is that it won't work at all. The query is lazy, which means that it won't execute the code in the Select until you actually read something from the query, and you never do that.

You could come around that by adding .ToList() at the end of the query, but the code is still using side effects and throwing away the actual result. You should use the result to do the update instead:

//Set all non-stop flights description
foreach (var flight in fResults.Where(flight => flight.NonStop)) {  
  flight.Description = "Fly Direct!";
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