I want to create a Zend Controller for ACL management so my problem is: How can I get all Module names, Control names and Action names in a Zend application to build a ACL Control?
I use Zend_Navigation and if the resource don't exist in your ACL Zend_Navigation is thrown a exception. And I want to use a database to deny and allow access. So I must build the database first. And if I must do that by hand it's a pain to do that.
This may be an old question but this is how I am doing this...
I actually found the best way to have an easily available reflection reference was to recursively tokenise the correct directories and then build an xml document as a result. Caching the xml document for speed and using xpath for retrieving the data.
The plugin builds the reflection xml and caches it for later. I've taken this code out of its original implementation, so its more to give you a feel rather than copy and paste.
Of course, a database works just as well here. But if you're trying to limit your queries per page, a cached xml doc works pretty well.
Tokenisation happens inside the filter:
Once you have your reflection xml populated with whatever information you need out of the class, your acl plugin can come after it and query that information with xpath.
I have created a function that can get all the actions, controllers and modules from a zend application. Here it is:
I don't think there is a solution for this in Zend. You will have to do it yourself...
One way to do it, is to list all classes, and check if the classes extend (for example) the Zend_Controller_Action class...
check the php functions get_declared_classes and is_subclass_of