I have a question very similar to this one but the answer does not work for me.
Software I am maintaining the setup for depends on VC++ 2008 (SP1, precisely), thus I need to find a solution to install VCRedist if not yet installed. I understand the correct way would be to build msi with merge modules, but it's not on my hands.
The answer of the duplicate question I am referring to (the accepted one) does not work for me because every tiny release (e.g. 9.0.30729.01 vs 9.0.30729.17) has proper GUIDs, which I am not able to guess or predict for future versions. Furthermore, I reckon that this would not detect Visual Studios and thus unnecessarily install the VCRedist Package when it's already on a developers machine. I do not want to bug anybody with this, certainly not somebody who has already a DevStudio installed.
Now another answer says I should look in the WinSxs-folder like $WINDIR\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_
but this does not (yet) help me to imply SP1, or is there anything I am missing at this point ? Is there a table somewhere with the internal and "external" version numbers, so I could imply a certain minor version number ?
I cannot believe that there is nothing provided by Microsoft for this scenario, but searching the interwebs for already far too long now brings me back to good ol' SO :)
I open-sourced a Visual C++ project on Github that checks for VC++ redistributable DLLs specifically and made it available under the Apache 2.0 license.
It has three different methods for checking for the availability of VC++9 and VC++10 runtimes:
Here's a sample of what using it actually looks like:
I licensed the crt-detector project under Apache 2.0, so feel free to use it in your own applications.
You could take the recommended approach for installing directx: always run the redistributable. Since it's required and you're already shipping it there's no harm in running it even if it's already installed.
looks like there is another solution proposed by a Microsoft-Developer, using MsiQueryProductState API, alas also relying on the GUIDs.
Update: The code went live yesterday and seems to be working fine. Here is what is beeing done: It is checked for the latest-known-to-me GUID AND the path² to-where-it-is-supposed-to-be-installed. If both fails, it is installed. This seems to work fine.
Additionally, it is installed with the command line arguments "/qb" which means "unattended but not invisible". See this other blog post about those params.
FWIW, GUIDs for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 / VC90 SP1 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729
² The path:
For Visual Studio C++ 2010, things got a bit easier.
Note: You will need to check under Wow6432Node on a 64-bit OS. (HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft....)
If you like the older version, here are the GUIDs
Visual C++ 2010 redistributable package product codes
Visual C++ 2010 SP1 redistributable package product codes