Clicking “back” in the browser disables my javascr

2019-02-03 05:10发布

Well, as the title says more or less. I'm using the gem Turbolinks in my Rails application and I'm having a bit of a problem with the "browser back"-button. My javascripts works fine until i click back in my browser, then it stops working. If I click a link in my app or reload the page it starts working again.

Ant ideas how to fix this?

Fickle 薄情
2楼-- · 2019-02-03 05:42

The jquery-turbolinks gem doesn't support Turbolinks 5 anymore, so that solution is deprecated right now.

If you'd like to disable turbolinks-caching, just add this meta to your page;

<meta name="turbolinks-cache-control" content="no-cache">
3楼-- · 2019-02-03 05:48

You can find answer in next turbolinks issue discussion. For me, next solution worked - deleting element initialized by JS (in my case chosen dropdown) using next:

document.addEventListener("turbolinks:before-cache", function() {
4楼-- · 2019-02-03 05:49

Two solutions for Turbolinks Classic:

Set the cache to 0 so that no pages are cached using HTML5 History.


Another solution is to listen to "page:restore" event and call your initialization method. This latter solution is more performant.

document.addEventListener("page:restore", function() {
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