I've created a Hive Table through an Elastic MapReduce interactive session and populated it from a CSV file like this:
CREATE TABLE csvimport(id BIGINT, time STRING, log STRING)
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/hadoop/file.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE csvimport;
I now want to store the Hive table in a S3 bucket so the table is preserved once I terminate the MapReduce instance.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Above Query needs to use EXTERNAL keyword, i.e:
An another alternative is to use the query
the table is stored in the S3 directory with HIVE default delimiters.
Yes you have to export and import your data at the start and end of your hive session
To do this you need to create a table that is mapped onto S3 bucket and directory
Insert data into s3 table and when the insert is complete the directory will have a csv file
Your table is now preserved and when you create a new hive instance you can reimport your data
Your table can be stored in a few different formats depending on where you want to use it.
If you could access aws console and have the "
Access Key Id
" and "Secret Access Key
" for your accountYou can try this too..
Now insert the data as other stated above..