I would like to use LIMIT in a cursor. The cursor should be used and updated several times within a loop, each time with different parameters of LIMIT. Here some code:
declare done int(1) default 0;
declare counter int(10) default 0;
declare xabc int(10) default 0;
declare tab1Cursor cursor for select abc from tab1 limit 100000*counter, 100000;
declare continue handler for not found set done=1;
loopCounter: LOOP
set done = 0;
open tab1Cursor;
igmLoop: loop
fetch tab1Cursor into xabc;
if done = 1 then leave igmLoop; end if;
-- do something
end loop igmLoop;
close tab1Cursor;
if (counter = 1039)
leave loopCounter;
end if;
set counter = counter + 1;
END LOOP loopCounter;
END $$
This, however, does not work (I also tried it with the cursor in the LOOP counterLoop). Can Mysql deal with dynamic cursors?
From the MySQL Manual
However there are 2 ways.
The first is for cases where absolutely only one user at a time will be running the procedure. A prepare statement can be used to create a view with the dynamic SQL and the cursor can select from this statically-named view. There's almost no performance impact. Unfortunately, these views are also visible to other users (there's no such thing as a temporary view), so this won't work for multiple users.
Analogously, a temporary table can be created in the prepare statement and the cursor can select from the temporary table. Only the current session can see a temporary table, so the multiple user issue is resolved. But this solution can have significant performance impact since a temp table has to be created each time the proc runs.
Bottom line: We still need cursors to be able to be created dynamically!
Here's an example of using a view to pass the table name and column name into a cursor from the mysql forums