I'm trying to figue our how to make a short URL that redirects to my app on the APP Store such as: http://appstore.com/MyAppName
I've been looking through the documentation here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1633/_index.html
And unless I'm missing something, it only shows you what name formats you can have and not how to generate the URL.
Can anyone shed any light on this? I would have thought: http://itunes.apple.com/linkmaker/ But nope.
I found something interesting that might be helpful.
Go into the App Store on your iPhone, search for your app and when you're on your app's page, click the share button and choose "message" (not copy). Now you have a shortened URL in a new message window that you can copy and use (If you choose copy you get a long URL to your app).
For example: https://appsto.re/us/SSxLQ.i
Does this help? I think I'm going to use this when sharing my app with people.