I'm trying to figue our how to make a short URL that redirects to my app on the APP Store such as: http://appstore.com/MyAppName
I've been looking through the documentation here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1633/_index.html
And unless I'm missing something, it only shows you what name formats you can have and not how to generate the URL.
Can anyone shed any light on this? I would have thought: http://itunes.apple.com/linkmaker/ But nope.
you don't need to be guessing too much, the Developer Portal has a correct information about the sort links under the Marketing Resource section.
(but that is the link what you've already mentioned in your original post, and it also provides detailed description how you could generate that kind of short links...)
If you'd like to create a short link for iTunes and Google Playstore at once:
With Link Maker, You Can Create links for the iTunes Store, the App Store, the iBookstore, and the Mac App Store.
For a link like
you can open your application page with iTunes from the itunes.apple.com website clicking "View in iTunes":Then click the little arrow on the right the the "download" button in iTunes and choose "Share on Twitter":
This will open your browser, you don't need to tweet, just copy/paste the shortened link!
use https://bitly.com to generate short a url like http://apple.co/2qNKRXq
You can create your own link in this way:
1) Take: http://www.appstore.com/
2) Then add the words of your app's name without spaces and special characters. My app's name is Emergency Phone Numbers - World and so the resulted short link is http://www.appstore.com/emergencyphonenumbersworld
I hope this helps.