Using imageIO, I usually have the problem of transforming an image file, and after overwriting it, it loses all of its EXIF data. Is there any way to preserve it without first extracting it, caching it, and then resetting it?
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Here is my solution using a combination of ImageIO, Imgscalr and Apache commons-imaging. It's a pity there's no single library which combines reading the image with its metadata, making this probably rather excessive on memory usage; Improvements welcome.
ImageIO do have this functionality itself, but instead of you will need to use ImageReader:
(you may want to also check if such reader exists). Then you need to set the input:
Now you may save your metadata:
And then read the image:
When you want to save new image, you should use ImageWriter:
As it's old topic, I guess this answer is a bit too late, but may help others as this topic is still googlable.