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Lisp in the real world
A search query on Google reveals that the search term 'practical lisp' returns a link for Practical Common LISP, which is a very nice starter book. However, this is not what I was looking for or had in mind when I set out to search those terms.
I believe some of the earlier Yahoo shops stuff was in LISP. It was written by Paul Graham and company and then bought out by Yahoo. But I think Yahoo has since rewritten it in another language. He wrote an essay about it.
PrimeTrader a cross platform stock trading application from NetFonds. They also use Common Lisp in their back-end trading systems.
While your question was about Lisp, you can find out more from the Commercial Users of Functional Programming. Also see [Haskell in Industry][2]
In financial services, functional programming seems to be the right tool for quantitative finance
There are a number (6-12 at least) of small startups deploying webapps today. I'm running an open source community platform for rare disease research at www.lamsight.org.
Also see InspireData (http://www.inspiration.com/InspireData). You can download a great demo. Beautiful app using OpenGL (I believe) for the multi-platform GUI.
I am confused as to why you think Lisp and OOP are mutually exclusive. CLOS is the object system that all the other languages tried (and failed) to copy.
But anyway, I use CL for a few general-purpose web applications in production at work. One is a utility for uploading a file an emailing it to certain people; the other collects log data from other applications and lets me search through it. Both are heavily object oriented (and use elephant for persistence).
Using Lisp is not that different from using any other programming language, really. It has great tools (SLIME), and some really nice libraries (I love closure-xml with cxml-stp).
Finally, I will add one more "commercial" non-web app to the pile:
It is a Computer Algebra System, somewhat like Mathematica.
DERIVE has been implemented in LISP back in 1988. It's still the math-program of choice for me. To bad TI has discontinued it a year ago or so.