I would like to launch my app when my tablet starts, so that the main activity of my app is the first thing that the user see when they start the tablet.
I've read about LauncherActivity but I don't understand how to use it.
Can anyone help me with suggestions, links or tutorials for this?
Is LauncherActivity the best way or are there alternatives?
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Answer by @vishesh chandra is correct. But on some device doesn't work because app was installed on external storage by default. Please ensure that you specify
otherwise you will not receive any Boot Complete actions if the app is installed in the SD card. Add this into application tag in manifest.xml file and it will work.
These line of code maybe helpful for you...
Step1: set the permission in AndroidManifest.xml
Step2: Add this is intent filter in receiver,
Step3: Now you can start your application's first activity from onReceive method of Receiver class..
I would like to add one point in this question which I was facing for couple of days. I tried all the answers but those were not working for me. If you are using android version 5.1 please change these settings.
If you are using android version 5.1 then you have to dis-select (Restrict to launch) from app settings.
settings> app > your app > Restrict to launch (dis-select)
please see picture.
If you want to start the app when the tablets starts, you need to listen to the BOOT_COMPLETED action and react to it. BOOT_COMPLETED is a Broadcast Action that is broadcast once, after the system has finished booting. You can listen to this action by creating a BroadcastReceiver that then starts your launch Activity when it receives an intent with the BOOT_COMPLETED action.
Add this permission to your manifest:
Create a Custom BroadcastReceiver in your project:
Then modify your manifest file by adding the BroadCastReceiver to the Manifest: