I want to create a rope like the one that is shown in this video. What is the best way to develop a rope like this?
I've already tried to start and I think the best way to do it, is to make many little "rope"-parts and connect them with a pin joint (is that really the best one?!?). But I didn't know how to start.
Maybe someone can give me some example code for that.. THX :)
I just released my own rope version inspired by mraty's but with a workaround for the elastic effect "bug".
Here's my rope interface:
Implementation code:
Scene Code:
Notice the [rope adjustRingPositions] call from [scene didSimulatePhysics]. That is my actual fix for the elastic bug.
Complete demo code is here
in swift
I've also done a rope with single parts connected with PinJoints. I think it's the only way to display a "rope". I think in the video it's the same, you can see the single chain links. You don't even need so much jointed elements, just let the sprite overlap a bit the physics body to make it look very real. Heres my example method... just replace the image names n stuff...
I am the author of that video. Because of the big demand for the source code I have released it on the Github.
You can find it here