How to configure maven project to deploy both snapshot and releases to Nexus?
<name>Internal Releases</name>
<name>Internal Snapshots</name>
This configuration creates error in Eclipse 3.8 with m2e 1.2
Project build error: Non-parseable POM D:\Workspaces\W\Parent\pom.xml: Duplicated tag: 'repository' (position: START_TAG
seen ...
I want the artifact deployed to the InternalSnapshots repository when the pom's version is suffixed with -SNAPSHOT and deployed to the InternalReleases repository when it is RELEASE. This should happen using the same pom.xml file and executing the same mvn deploy
Example of pom.xml configuration
Snippets for .m2/settings.xml for default Nexus installation
You need to distinguish between the releases and snapshots repository.
only allows one<repository>
and one<snapshotRepository>
You can do both.
Add the maven-release-plugin 2.5.3
Run the following: