I am eager to learn how to incorporate data examples as comments written above the functions, such as:
##' @examples
##' ## Set working directory...
##' ## Load data into R session:
##' data <- system.file("extdata", "data.txt", package="...", sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' ## For reproducible results:
##' set.seed(999)
I put my "data.txt" file in the directory: /pkg_Name/inst/extdata/. However, R CMD check indicates error in this step. If I proceed to R CMD build and R CMD install, then after loading the package, I cannot get the data into R session... Could anyone tell me what went wrong? Is this the correct way to include data examples at the end of the function help document?
Thanks a lot!
Hadley Wickham has a chapter in his book "R Packages" on how to incorporate data into an R Package.
Dirk points to the official documentation on data in packages.
Alternatively, here's an example of learning from the ggplot2 package for one way of how to incorporate data using rda files and roxygen.
Here is the
directory in the ggplot2 package. In this example, each data file is stored in a separaterda
file (e.g., generated usingsave(foo, file='foo.rda')
.See the file data.r for the Roxygen commands to generate the Rmd help files for the data: E.g.,
Please look at CRAN packages that include data and copy their approach. I just added data to a at-work-only package a few weeks back and it just works...
For what it is worth, the manual has a section 1.1.5 Data in packages which explains it.