I have a general question (I'm not all to familiar with html).
The following use of the slash I have discovered points to a sub-directory, in this case for Images:
Is there an html equivalent for pointing to a parent directory?
Single dot = current directory, double dot is parent directory...
So let's say you have a style rule for an image in a CSS file called "styles.css".
When the CSS is being read, it will be the location of that css file that's used for the current location. So if you want to get to your image, you can point it like this:
If the location of the image would have been directly on C:\, you would have to go back two parent directories:
This principle also goes for JavaScript files and so on.
will give you one level higher parent directory. You can use as much as you want to go higher level parents like../../
will be Image folder in parent directory
It works perfectly also together with a
then from the root index:
<a href="template\sample1.html">sample1</a>
then from the template:
<img src="images\sample1.jpg">
working with a directory structure like: