Is there a functional difference between positive, negative, and neutral buttons, particularly in the context of AlertDialogs?
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To quote the documentation:
So it's entirely down to how you want to use it. It also influences order in a left-to-right sense (see Devunwired's answer for the ordering).
On Lolipop and above or whenever you use
style, the buttons are arranged from left to right: Neutral, Negative and Positive.Note: the Neutral button is always placed at the extreme left while the Negative and Positive buttons are packed together towards the right. [Took me awhile battling with this.]
As stated earlier, it defines the order, and you can have only one button of each kind. However the order I get (left to right) is Neutral, Negative, Positive both on a phone running Marshmallow and Android Studio emulator configured to Jelly Bean. I use AppCompat libs, so the behavior I observe may be typical for newer Android versions. Anyway it is not Negative, Neutral, Positive (i.e. not as it was stated earlier).
According to Material Design Style Guide you shouldn't use neutral buttons anymore:
Dialog specs
Just the position they take within the dialog...