I am having some problem while uploading large video file(upto 150MB)
1.When I use this code Link1 .I able to upload small file with progress bar ,but as my file is large so android give me OutOfMemory Error.
2.If I use this code Link2. i am able to upload large file(this is really a good solution) but don't know how to show progess(like 20% complete or 80% complete and so on).so Please guide me.
Finally I got solution of my question I want to share it ...
1.First solution Link1 This solution is ok with small files like image upload upto 15MB .But I could not get rid from OutOfMemory error if file is very large.
2.Second solution(Link2) is really a good solution and for showing progress bar I used a custom MultipartEntity class. Code is here:
And my activity code is