I'm in the process of exporting an app and I'm very curious about the keystore and keyalias. I'm not really sure what are they for, or how many should I create (maybe one for each app?). I would appreciate any information relating those keys. Thanks
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It is basically a way to identify yourself with your app. There are debug keys and signing keys, the latter which you will need to upload APKs to the Play store and publish your app. The Key Alias is a just a commonplace name that points to a specific certificate. You can create one for each release, or just use the same one for all your apps. I suggest creating one for each app, and making sure you back up multiple copies. I like to keep 3, one on my system, one in my Dropbox, and another on an external somewhere. If you lose that keystore file there is absolutely no way to retrieve it, or publish future versions of an application. This questions is pretty useful
EDIT: The "App-Signing" section of the Developer's site actually suggest using the same certificate across all your apps