Seeking a method to:
Take whitespace separated tokens in a String; return a suggested Word
Google Search can take "fonetic wrd nterpreterr",
and atop of the result page it shows "Did you mean: phonetic word interpreter"
A solution in any of the C* languages or Java would be preferred.
Are there any existing Open Libraries which perform such functionality?
Or is there a way to Utilise a Google API to request a suggested word?
Since no one has yet mentioned it, I'll give one more phrase to search for: "edit distance" (for example, link text). That can be used to find closest matches, assuming it's typos where letters are transposed, missing or added.
But usually this is also coupled with some sort of relevancy information; either by simple popularity (to assume most commonly used close-enough match is most likely correct word), or by contextual likelihood (words that follow preceding correct word, or come before one). This gets into information retrieval; one way to start is to look at bigram and trigrams (sequences of words seen together). Google has very extensive freely available data sets for these.
For simple initial solution though a dictionary couple with Levenshtein-based matchers works surprisingly well.
In his article How to Write a Spelling Corrector, Peter Norvig discusses how a Google-like spellchecker could be implemented. The article contains a 20-line implementation in Python, as well as links to several reimplementations in C, C++, C# and Java. Here is an excerpt:
Using Norvig's code and this text as training set, i get the following results: