For testing purposes, I'm looking for a simple way to start a standalone JNDI server, and bind my javax.sql.DataSource to "java:/comp/env/jdbc/mydatasource"
The server should bind itself to some URL, for example: "java.naming.provider.url=jnp://localhost:1099" (doesn't have to be JNP), so that I can look up my datasource from another process. I don't care about which JNDI server implementation I'll have to use (but I don't want to start a full-blown JavaEE server).
This should be so easy, but to my surprise, I couldn't find any (working) tutorial.
I know I'm late to the party, but I ended up hacking this together like so
I worked on the John´s code and now is working good.
In this version I'm using libs of JBoss5.1.0.GA, see jar list below:
This is the new code:
To have good logging, use this log4j properties:
To consume the Standalone JNDI server, use this client class: