For testing purposes, I'm looking for a simple way to start a standalone JNDI server, and bind my javax.sql.DataSource to "java:/comp/env/jdbc/mydatasource"
The server should bind itself to some URL, for example: "java.naming.provider.url=jnp://localhost:1099" (doesn't have to be JNP), so that I can look up my datasource from another process. I don't care about which JNDI server implementation I'll have to use (but I don't want to start a full-blown JavaEE server).
This should be so easy, but to my surprise, I couldn't find any (working) tutorial.
Have you considered using Mocks? If I recall correctly you use Interfaces to interact with JNDI. I know I've mocked them out at least once before.
As a fallback, you could probably use Tomcat. It's not a full blown J2EE impl, it starts fast, and is fairly easy to configure JNDI resources for. DataSource setup is well documented. It's sub-optimal, but should work.
Here's a code snippet adapted from JBoss remoting samples. The code that is in the samples (version 2.5.4.SP2 ) no longer works. While the fix is simple it took me more hours than I want to think about to figure it out. Sigh. Anyway, maybe someone can benefit.
I have been looking for a similar simple starter solution recently. The "file system service provider from Sun Microsystems" has worked for me well. See
The problem with the RMI registry is that you need a viewer - here you just need to look at file contents.
You may need fscontext-4.2.jar - I obtained it from
You imply you've found non-working tutorials; that may mean you've already seen these:
I had a quick go, but couldn't get this working. A little more perseverance might do it, though.
For local, one process standalone jar purpouses I would use spring-test package:
startup log:
The JDK contains a JNDI provider for the RMI registry. That means you can use the RMI registry as a JNDI server. So, just start rmiregistry, set java.naming.factory.initial to com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory, and you're away.
The RMI registry has a flat namespace,
so you won't be able to bind to java:/comp/env/jdbc/mydatasource, but you will be able to bind to somethingso it will accept java:/comp/env/jdbc/mydatasource, but will treat it as a single-component name (thanks, @EJP).I've written a small application to demonstrate how to do this:
I still have no idea how the JNP server is supposed to work.