I have been trying to use a QML TableView
to display a QAbstractTableModel
. The missing part of the equation seems to be that it is not possible to have a variable number of columns in the TableView
, despite overriding QAbstractItemModel::roleNames
which should tell Qt the number and name of my columns. I tried testing this out using only QML:
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
property real showImage: 1.0
width: 500
TableView {
id: myTable
model: myModel
// TableViewColumn {
// role: "title"; title: "Name"; width: 200
// }
ListModel {
id: myModel
ListElement {
title: "item one"
ListElement {
title: "item two"
When run this doesn't show anything despite the TableView
's mode containing ListElement
s with roles defined in them.
However if the above code is uncommented and a TableViewColumn
is defined then the column will display data for that role as expected but the table will still not display any other roles. Obviously that will only work for a statically defined number of columns and not my case where the number of columns is not known until run time.
The example given is basically the same as my real life example except that my model is defined in C++.
It seems as if this may have already been asked here but it did not gain any response.
EDIT: I had tried calling a javascript function:
function addColumnToTable(roleName) {
var columnString = 'import QtQuick 2.3; import QtQuick.Controls 1.2; TableViewColumn {role: "'
+ roleName + '"; title: "' + roleName + '"; width: 40}';
var column = Qt.createQmlObject(
, myTable
, "dynamicSnippet1")
From C++:
QVariant roleName = "name";
QObject *root = view->rootObject();
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(root, "addColumnToTable", Q_ARG(QVariant, roleName));
This at least allowed me to dynamically add columns from C++ although not from within the model/view architecture. Yoann's solution is far and away better than this though.
The solution with resources does not work for me (Qt 5.6). The TableView is not updated.
This works for me:
It also correctly updates drag-drop-reordered columns.
You could create dynamically as many
as you need, using theresources
property of yourTableView
.You will have to add a method in your custom model class which will give you the roleNames you want to display.