<div class="owl-carousel">
<div ng-repeat="items in itemlist">
<a href="series.html"><img ng-src="{{items.imageUrl}}" /></a>
<a href="series.html"><img src="http://placehold.it/350x150" /></a>
View carousel here: Owl-carousel2
I'm running into an issue where whenever the ng-repeat directive is applied to carousel the items are stacked vertically instead of being layout horizontally.
If I leave out ng-repeat and use static items then it works as it should.
Is there a directive I can write and apply to owl-carousel to maintain the layout?
Also what is about ng-repeat that is causing the carousel to break?
Is angular somehow stripping the owl-carousel classes applied to the carousel?
Note* If build the list manually then iterate through and append the elements using :
var div = document.createElement('div');
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
var img = document.createElement('img');
then call the owl.owlCarousel({..}) It works, not sure if this is the best work around because ng-repeat makes everything bit easier.
I discovered a hack , if I wrap the owl init in a timeout then ng-repat works.
...call owl init now
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/owl.carousel.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/owl.theme.default.min.css"/>
<script src="/js/lib/owl.carousel.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
var owl = $('.owl-carousel');
owl.on('mousewheel', '.owl-stage', function(e) {
if (e.deltaY > 0) {
} else {
I tried fiddling around with different directives but had no luck until I discovered this, it might a bit of a hack fix, but it works nonetheless.
Here is my div setup:
$scope.mediaitems is generated using ajax call. I found that if I delayed the owl initialization until my list was populated then it would render it properly. Also if you decide you want update you list dynamically just call the setupcarousel function (look below) after the list has been populated and it will re-init the carousel.
Note that carousel init is in an external file within an anonymous function. That's just how I choosed to set it up, you can have yours in-line or however you please.
In my controller I had something like this :
The Angular UI Team has put together a set of bootstrap components implemented as angular directives. They are super sleek and fast to implement, and because they are directives, you don't run into issues with using jquery in an angular project. One of the directives is a carousel. You can find it here and here. I messed around with carousels for a long time with angular. I got the owl to work after some annoying tinkering, but AngularUI's implementation is much easier.
This is the same answer as mentioned by JKOlaf. However I've added responsive behaviour to it which provides better UX. 2 major improvements: 1. Fully responsive code resulting better UX in different devices. 2. The "autoHeight" property is handled now resulting smaller thumbnail of the images.
Code goes below:
You can change the responsive item counts as per your requirement. Set it to a smaller value for larger thumbnail of images. Hope this will help somebody and Thanks to the original answer provider.
Was able to modify a directive from DTing on another post to get it working with multiple carousels on the same page. Here is a working plnkr
-- Edit -- Have another plnkr to give an example on how to add an item. Doing a reinit() did not work cause any time the owl carousel is destroyed it loses the data- elements and can never initialize again.
Here is the HTML