This was asked in 2008. Hopefully there's a better answer now.
How can you combine PDFs in ruby?
I'm using the pdf-stamper gem to fill out a form in a PDF. I'd like to take n PDFs, fill out a form in each of them, and save the result as an n-page document.
Can you do this with a native library like prawn? Can you do this with rjb and iText? pdf-stamper is a wrapper on iText.
I'd like to avoid using two libraries (i.e. pdftk and iText), if possible.
After a long search for a pure Ruby solution, I ended up writing code from scratch to parse and combine/merge PDF files.
(I feel it is such a mess with the current tools - I wanted something native but they all seem to have different issues and dependencies... even Prawn dropped the template support they use to have)
I posted the gem online and you can find it at GitHub as well.
you can install it with:
It's very easy to use (with or without saving the PDF data to a file).
For example, here is a "one-liner":
If you find any issues, please let me know and I will work on a fix.
Via iText, this will work... though you should flatten the forms before you merge them to avoid field name conflicts. That or rename the fields one page at a time.
Within PDF, fields with the same name share a value. This is usually not the desired behavior, though it comes in handy from time to time.
Something along the lines of (in java):
As of 2013 you can use Prawn to merge pdfs. Gist:
We're closer than we were in 2008, but not quite there yet.
The latest dev version of Prawn lets you use an existing PDF as a template, but not use a template over and over as you add more pages.
Use ghostscript to combine PDFs:
I wrote a ruby gem to do this — PDF::Merger. It uses iText. Here's how you use it: