After some experience with functional languages, I'm starting to use recursion more in Java - But the language seems to have a relatively shallow call stack of about 1000.
Is there a way to make the call stack bigger? Like can I make functions that are millions of calls deep, like in Erlang?
I'm noticing this more and more when I do Project Euler problems.
You can set this on the commandline:
java -Xss8M class
in eclipse if you are using, set -xss2m as vm arguments.
-xss2m directly on commandline.
Clojure, which runs on the Java VM, would very much like to implement tail call optimization, but it can't due to a restriction in the JVM bytecode (I don't know the details). As a consequence, it can only help itself with a special "recur" form, which implements a few basic features you'd expect from proper tail recursion.
Anyway, this means that the JVM currently cannot support tail call optimization. I would strongly suggest not to use recursion as a general looping construct on the JVM. My personal view is that Java is not a sufficiently high level language.