Complicated reshaping

2019-02-01 21:47发布

I want to reshape my dataframe from long to wide format and I loose some data that I'd like to keep. For the following example:

df <- data.frame(Par1 = unlist(strsplit("AABBCCC","")),
                 Par2 = unlist(strsplit("DDEEFFF","")),
                 ParD = unlist(strsplit("foo,bar,baz,qux,bla,xyz,meh",",")),
                 Type = unlist(strsplit("pre,post,pre,post,pre,post,post",",")),
                 Val = c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70))

   #     Par1 Par2 ParD Type Val
   #   1    A    D  foo  pre  10
   #   2    A    D  bar post  20
   #   3    B    E  baz  pre  30
   #   4    B    E  qux post  40
   #   5    C    F  bla  pre  50
   #   6    C    F  xyz post  60
   #   7    C    F  meh post  70

dfw <- dcast(df,
             formula = Par1 + Par2 ~ Type,
             value.var = "Val",
             fun.aggregate = mean)

 #     Par1 Par2 post pre
 #   1    A    D   20  10
 #   2    B    E   40  30
 #   3    C    F   65  50

this is almost what I need but I would like to have

  1. some field keeping data from ParD field (for example, as single merged string),
  2. number of observations used for aggregation.

i.e. I would like the resulting data.frame to be as follows:

    #     Par1 Par2 post pre Num.pre ParD
    #   1    A    D   20  10      1      1    foo_bar 
    #   2    B    E   40  30      1      1    baz_qux
    #   3    C    F   65  50      1      2    bla_xyz_meh

I would be grateful for any ideas. For example, I tried to solve the second task by writing in dcast: fun.aggregate=function(x) c(Val=mean(x),Num=length(x)) - but this causes an error.

2楼-- · 2019-02-01 22:14

Late to the party, but here's another alternative using data.table:

dt <- data.table(df, key=c("Par1", "Par2"))
dt[, list(pre=mean(Val[Type == "pre"]), 
          post=mean(Val[Type == "post"]), 
          pre.num=length(Val[Type == "pre"]), 
          post.num=length(Val[Type == "post"]), 
          ParD = paste(ParD, collapse="_")), 
by=list(Par1, Par2)]

#    Par1 Par2 pre post pre.num post.num        ParD
# 1:    A    D  10   20       1        1     foo_bar
# 2:    B    E  30   40       1        1     baz_qux
# 3:    C    F  50   65       1        2 bla_xyz_meh

[from Matthew] +1 Some minor improvements to save repeating the same ==, and to demonstrate local variables inside j.

dt[, list(pre=mean(Val[.pre <- Type=="pre"]),     # save .pre
          post=mean(Val[.post <- Type=="post"]),  # save .post
          pre.num=sum(.pre),                      # reuse .pre
          post.num=sum(.post),                    # reuse .post
          ParD = paste(ParD, collapse="_")), 
by=list(Par1, Par2)]

#    Par1 Par2 pre post pre.num post.num        ParD
# 1:    A    D  10   20       1        1     foo_bar
# 2:    B    E  30   40       1        1     baz_qux
# 3:    C    F  50   65       1        2 bla_xyz_meh

dt[, { .pre <- Type=="pre"                  # or save .pre and .post up front 
       .post <- Type=="post"
            ParD = paste(ParD, collapse="_")) }
, by=list(Par1, Par2)]

#    Par1 Par2 pre post pre.num post.num        ParD
# 1:    A    D  10   20       1        1     foo_bar
# 2:    B    E  30   40       1        1     baz_qux
# 3:    C    F  50   65       1        2 bla_xyz_meh

And if a list column is ok rather than a paste, then this should be faster :

dt[, { .pre <- Type=="pre"
       .post <- Type=="post"
            ParD = list(ParD)) }     # list() faster than paste()
, by=list(Par1, Par2)]

#    Par1 Par2 pre post pre.num post.num        ParD
# 1:    A    D  10   20       1        1     foo,bar
# 2:    B    E  30   40       1        1     baz,qux
# 3:    C    F  50   65       1        2 bla,xyz,meh
3楼-- · 2019-02-01 22:14

I believe this base R solution is comparable with @Arun's data table solution. (Which isn't to say I would prefer it; that code is much simpler!)

baseMethod2 <- quote({
    is <- unname(split(1:nrow(df), with(df, paste(Par1, Par2, sep="\b"))))
    i1 <- sapply(is, `[`, 1)
    out <- with(df, data.frame(Par1=Par1[i1], Par2=Par2[i1]))
    js <- lapply(is, function(i) split(i, df$Type[i]))
    out$post <- sapply(js, function(j) mean(df$Val[j$post]))
    out$pre <- sapply(js, function(j) mean(df$Val[j$pre]))
    out$Num.pre <- sapply(js, function(j) length(j$pre))
    out$ <- sapply(js, function(j) length(j$post))
    out$ParD <- sapply(is, function(x) paste(df$ParD[x], collapse="_"))

Using @RicardoSaporta's timing code with 900, 2700, and 10,800, respectively:

> relative        test elapsed user.self sys.self replications
3    1.000 baseMethod2   0.230     0.229        0            5
1    1.130          dt   0.260     0.257        0            5
2    8.752        plyr   2.013     2.006        0            5

> relative        test elapsed user.self sys.self replications
3    1.000 baseMethod2   0.877     0.872        0            5
1    1.068          dt   0.937     0.934        0            5
2    8.060        plyr   7.069     7.043        0            5

> relative        test elapsed user.self sys.self replications
1    1.000          dt   6.232     6.178    0.031            5
3    1.085 baseMethod2   6.763     6.683    0.054            5
2    7.263        plyr  45.261    44.983    0.104            5
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