I want to reshape my dataframe from long to wide format and I loose some data that I'd like to keep. For the following example:
df <- data.frame(Par1 = unlist(strsplit("AABBCCC","")),
Par2 = unlist(strsplit("DDEEFFF","")),
ParD = unlist(strsplit("foo,bar,baz,qux,bla,xyz,meh",",")),
Type = unlist(strsplit("pre,post,pre,post,pre,post,post",",")),
Val = c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70))
# Par1 Par2 ParD Type Val
# 1 A D foo pre 10
# 2 A D bar post 20
# 3 B E baz pre 30
# 4 B E qux post 40
# 5 C F bla pre 50
# 6 C F xyz post 60
# 7 C F meh post 70
dfw <- dcast(df,
formula = Par1 + Par2 ~ Type,
value.var = "Val",
fun.aggregate = mean)
# Par1 Par2 post pre
# 1 A D 20 10
# 2 B E 40 30
# 3 C F 65 50
this is almost what I need but I would like to have
- some field keeping data from
field (for example, as single merged string), - number of observations used for aggregation.
i.e. I would like the resulting data.frame to be as follows:
# Par1 Par2 post pre Num.pre Num.post ParD
# 1 A D 20 10 1 1 foo_bar
# 2 B E 40 30 1 1 baz_qux
# 3 C F 65 50 1 2 bla_xyz_meh
I would be grateful for any ideas. For example, I tried to solve the second task by writing in dcast: fun.aggregate=function(x) c(Val=mean(x),Num=length(x))
- but this causes an error.
One Step solution combining
NOTE that the
function inreshape2
does not allow multiple aggregate functions to be passed, while thecast
function inreshape
does.Trying to wrap different aggregation expressions into a self-contained function (expressions should yield atomic values)...
Solution in 2 steps using
( i am not happy with , but I get the result)You could do a merge of two dcasts and an aggregate, here all wrapped into one large expression mostly to avoid having intermediate objects hanging around afterwards:
I'll post but agstudy's puts me to shame:
What a great opprotunity to benchmark! Below are some runs of the
method (as suggested by @agstudy) compared with thedata.table
method (as suggested by @Arun) using different sample sizes (N = 900, 2700, 10800)Summary:
method outperforms theplyr
method by a factor of 7.5RESULTS
Update : Added results for baseMethod1
Update 2: Added keying the DT as part of the metric
Adding the indexing step to the benchmark for fairness as per @MatthewDowle s comment.
However, presumably, if data.table is used, it will be in place of the data.frame and hence the indexing will occur once and not simply for this procedure
Update 3: Benchmarking @MD's edits to @Arun's original answer