I decided to try BitBucket and Git but I'm confused on how to configuring eGIT ( Eclipse GIT plugin ) to connect to Bitbucket's GIT repo.
Anybody know any documentation on this? Thanks.
Update : I gave up to solve the issue, and currently using SourceTree, which is a simple tool to deal with this. It's a free tool created by Attlasian ( the company that created Jira ).
You may run into egit authentication problems while pushing. To solve that problem you can open up the git repository viewer and add a remote repository.
More details can be found here: http://lechmigdal.blogspot.com/2012/08/eclipse-egit-authenticity-of-host-cant.html
Your question is essentially asking for documentation on using egit - you can find that all here:
In particular, the user manual that is linked from there describes both how to clone a repository using EGit and work with an existing repository — it's not clear from your question which situation you are in. The only difference between using a BitBucket git repository and one from another repository-hosting service is the URL, essentially. Broadly speaking, you should use the SSH URL if possible.
I have found this url very useful