I have a database table named Tags (Id, Name) from which I would like to select the ones where the name matches a name in a list. In SQL I would use something like:
Select * from Tags Where Name In ('Name1', 'Name2', 'xxx...)
But now using PetaPoco in an ASP.Net MVC3 project I'm stuck figuring out how to do it properly. So far I've tried:
var tagsToFind = new string[] { "SqlServer", "IIS" };
var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder.Select("*").From("Tags").Where("Name in (@0)", tagsToFind);
var result = db.Query<Tag>(sql);
Which results in the following SQL, where only the first name in my list of tagsToFind is used to match the table data as opposed to all of them.
SELECT * FROM Tags WHERE (Name in (@0)) -> @0 [String] = "SqlServer"
It's a little frustrating, knowing this probably isn't so hard.. any help is appreciated!
Update: I found out that it can be done in another way
var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder.Append("Select * from tags Where Name IN (@0", tagNames[0]);
foreach (string tagName in tagNames.Where(x => x != tagNames[0])) {
sql.Append(", @0", tagName);
var result = db.Query<Tag>(sql)
which gets me what I want while using sqlparameters. So I guess it's good enough for now, although not super pretty.
Posting this for future seekers. This works.
If you want to use array class with Petapoco you can use this
Here is an another sample:
App.config: (Connectionstring uses localdb connectionstring, so you might change it.)
Maybe, it's not a good way setting too many params in sql, the max params limit is 2100.
Constructing stander SQL in string, and check the LAST excute-sql, alway match your need.
This will work except you can't use the @0 (ordinal) syntax. You must use named parameters, otherwise it thinks they are individual parameters.
This will result in