I am using UICollectionView
using the flow layout.
I have made a custom UICollectionViewCell
for the same.
But on running the project the console keeps on throwing this error-
the behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout
is not defined because:
the item height must be less that the height of the UICollectionView
minus the section insets top and bottom values.
I have made sure that the size of the cell is correct
Has anyone been able to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.
Regards Nitesh
What caused this for me was that I was trying to set my cells to the size of the superview rather than the size of the
. Simply replaced the superview frame with theUICollectionView
frame.Be sure to set the right autoresizing mask for UICollectionView and UICollectionviewcell. This fixed my problem for iPhone 4 Simulator
I found that, using
, you have to go into thestoryboard
and click on the overallView Controller
(the view should be highlighted in blue) and go to theAttributes Inspector
(the fourth tab on the right side of the screen) and unchecking the "Under Top Bars", "Under Bottom Bars", and "Under Opaque Bars." This cleared up the issue for me, and it cleared it for my coworkers as well.If you're loading a collectionView via a container view + UICollectionViewController, you may have set a height constraint on the container view which is constraining the height of the collection view itself. In my case, I found the collectionView.contentSize was taller than the constraint I had set on my container view.
Obviously this is a bit of an edge case but just in case you have a similar setup, I figured I'd add this comment.
I've been having some issues when the using a collection view to present full screen view controllers.
Basically at run time, it'll ask for the size of the item and simply return the size of the collection view:
For me I am using AKPickerView inside of a custom UIView which was giving me a slew of warnings like the ones mentioned here. All I did to eliminate the warnings was to Un-Check the box called 'AutoResize Subviews' in the Attributes Inspector for my custom UIView. That silenced the warnings so hard, I thought my logger stopped working.