I am using jQuery UI Dialog to show a video. The video is working fine.
What I want to do is minimize the Dialog-element just like in an OS or something like that. A small icon like (" - ") that would minimize my dialog and when I press (*) it would close the dialog but keep the video running in the background.
Here's my code
//Watch Video
var path = $(this).attr('rel');
var title = $(this).attr('title');
var $dialog = $('<div>', {
title: translator['Watch Video']
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
width: 600,
height: 500
var tab = '<table style="margin: 10px 10%;"><tr><td><object id="MediaPlayer1" width="500" height="400" classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=5,1,52,701" standby="Loading Microsoft® Windows® Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" align="middle"><param name="'+title+'" value="'+path+'"> <param name="ShowStatusBar" value="True"> <param name="DefaultFrame" value="mainFrame"> <param name="autostart" value="false"> <embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage = "http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" src="'+path+'" autostart="false" align="middle" width="500" height="300" defaultframe="rightFrame" showstatusbar="true"> </embed></object></td></tr></table>';
$('<div id="updateContent">').html(tab).appendTo($dialog);
return false;
where var tab is equal to
<object id="MediaPlayer1" width="500" height="400"
standby="Loading Microsoft® Windows® Media Player components..."
type="application/x-oleobject" align="middle">
<param name="FileName" value="YourFilesName.mpeg">
<param name="ShowStatusBar" value="True">
<param name="DefaultFrame" value="mainFrame">
<param name="autostart" value="false">
<embed type="application/x-mplayer2"
pluginspage = "http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/"
You could use the jQuery DialogExtend plugin. It offer dialog maximize, minimize, and collapse features.
There are a couple of approaches that you could try.
Introduce a new minimize button and append it to the
and on click change the dialog to aposition: fixed
and position it so only the title bar is visible on the bottom of the screen.Fairly similar approach - change your original dialog div's height to 0. Allow the dialog to be draggable, so a user can move it around. but you would probably need to offset the dialog to the bottom of the viewport. This approach leaves the
intact - you could also change the width of the dialog on the fly, to make the minimize effect.Use
or other transitions (or easing, such as easeInExpo - http://ralphwhitbeck.com/demos/jqueryui/effects/easing/)But the easiest approach that uses some of the methods above is:
What you need for the effect is to change is:
like this:
What this does it set the height of the dialog to
, and positions it at the bottom of the viewport. On maximise, it recalculates the center position, gives the dialog a height, and animates it back into view.See example: http://jsfiddle.net/jasonday/ZSk6L/
Updated fiddle with minimize/maximize.
I made a little plugin with the widget factory that extends the jquery ui dialog.
I use the jquery widget factory to add new functionnalities
In the Jquery UI dialog code, there is a _createTitlebar method. I override it and add a maximize and minimize button
There is an extension for jQuery UI dialog, named "DialogExtend" that allows you to add a maximize, minimize and restore buttons:
Works perfectly.
jQuery DialogExtend plugin solves the problem though when using an iframe it keeps refreshing the iframe's content.