Optimizing the backtracking algorithm solving Sudo

2019-02-01 12:09发布

I'm hoping to optimize my backtracking algorithm for my Sudoku Solver.

What it does now:

The recursive solver function takes a sudoku puzzle with various given values.

I will scour through all the empty slots in the puzzle, looking for the slot that has the least possibilities, and get the list of values.

From the list of values, I will loop through it by placing one of the values from the list in the slot, and recursively solve it, until the entire grid is filled.

This implementation still takes incredibly long for some puzzles and I hope to further optimize this. Does anyone have any ideas how I might be able to further optimize this?

Here's my code in Java if you're interested.

public int[][] Solve(int[][] slots) {
    // recursive solve v2 : optimization revision

    int[] least = new int[3];
    least[2] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    PuzzleGenerator value_generator = new PuzzleGenerator();
    LinkedList<Integer> least_values = null;

    // 1: find a slot with the least possible solutions
    // 2: recursively solve.

    // 1 - scour through all slots.
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    while (i < 9) {
        j = 0;
        while (j < 9) {
            if (slots[i][j] == 0) {
                int[] grid_posi = { i, j };
                LinkedList<Integer> possible_values = value_generator
                        .possibleValuesInGrid(grid_posi, slots);
                if ((possible_values.size() < least[2])
                        && (possible_values.size() != 0)) {
                    least[0] = i;
                    least[1] = j;
                    least[2] = possible_values.size();
                    least_values = possible_values;

    // 2 - work on the slot
    if (least_values != null) {
        for (int x : least_values) {
            int[][] tempslot = new int[9][9];
            ArrayDeepCopy(slots, tempslot);
            tempslot[least[0]][least[1]] = x;

            /*ConsoleInterface printer = new gameplay.ConsoleInterface();

            int[][] possible_sltn = Solve(tempslot);
            if (noEmptySlots(possible_sltn)) {
                return possible_sltn;
    if (this.noEmptySlots(slots)) {
        return slots;
    slots[0][0] = 0;
    return slots;

\"骚年 ilove
2楼-- · 2019-02-01 13:00

A while ago I implemented Donald Knuth's Dancing Links and his Algorithm X for Sudoku in Ruby (a language not known to be too efficient). For the few examples I checked, it took few milliseconds on my 1.5 GHz laptop.

You can look at the wikpedia how the Dancing Links work, and adapt it to Sudoku yourself. Or you take a look at "A Sudoku Solver in Java implementing Knuth’s Dancing Links Algorithm".

PS: Algorithm X is a backtracking algorithm.

3楼-- · 2019-02-01 13:03

Finding the slot with the least possible solutions is incredibly expensive, and for a traditional Sudoku puzzle probably isn't worth the overhead.

An easier optimization is to keep track of how many of each digit has been used, and when you "try" to place a digit in a slot, start with the one that has been used the least (edit: make sure to include the ones the puzzle was seeded with). This will make your algorithm more likely to start down a successful path rather than a failed one.

Also, do check out Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach as suggested by Imsasu. It is a fantastic book and covers recursive backtracking in good detail.

P.S. I'm curious as to the performance gains (if any) given by your "step 1" optimization. Do you have a figure?

4楼-- · 2019-02-01 13:05

The results from my optimizations of the backtracking algorithm for Sudoku are below. You can download the code from http://yikes.com/~bear/suds.c. This is purely based on pigeon hole principle and I found it to generally be faster than rules based solving.

Using the values from another post on this thread I get a result of 7ms on a core2 duo @2.2 ghz or 3ms on a core i5. This compares to the poster's result of 100ms, although that may have been measured in a different way. Timing added in http://yikes.com/~bear/suds2.c.

I wrote this 10 years ago, and would certainly optimize in a different way if I re-did this problem.

$ ./a.out 000070940070090005300005070087400100463000000000007080800700000700000028050268000
[----------------------- Input  Data ------------------------]

*,*,*   *,7,*   9,4,*   
*,7,*   *,9,*   *,*,5   
3,*,*   *,*,5   *,7,*   

*,8,7   4,*,*   1,*,*   
4,6,3   *,*,*   *,*,*   
*,*,*   *,*,7   *,8,*   

8,*,*   7,*,*   *,*,*   
7,*,*   *,*,*   *,2,8   
*,5,*   2,6,8   *,*,*   

[------------------ Solution 01 -------------------]

2,1,5   8,7,6   9,4,3   
6,7,8   3,9,4   2,1,5   
3,4,9   1,2,5   8,7,6   

5,8,7   4,3,2   1,6,9   
4,6,3   9,8,1   7,5,2   
1,9,2   6,5,7   3,8,4   

8,2,6   7,4,3   5,9,1   
7,3,4   5,1,9   6,2,8   
9,5,1   2,6,8   4,3,7   

Time: 0.003s Cyles: 8619081 
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