Yesterday I updated Xcode to Version 5.1 (5B130a); the simulator's version now reads Version 7.1 (463.9.41).
Today I started getting these weird errors when beginning playback using AVPlayer. I have never seen any such errors in the past, can't find any info about them, and have no idea what they mean. They are not fatal and I haven't noticed any ill effects from them. But…
What is RTCReporting and how did it get into my project?
What does have to do with anything?
Etc. Thanks.
2014-03-21 16:16:34.129 0.1[3330:5403] RTCReporting: resolve from
2014-03-21 16:17:17.201 0.1[3330:5403] RTCReporting(getSvrConfig): error resolving with lookup server
2014-03-21 16:17:17.201 0.1[3330:5403] RTCReporting(getSvrConfig): sendSynchronousRequest error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo=0x10f110d60 {NSUnderlyingError=0x11230ed80 "The request timed out.", NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.}
2014-03-21 16:17:17.202 0.1[3330:5403] RTCReporting: can't get storebag from the server
UPDATE: I had not previously noticed any harm from this, but now my app is hanging (in simulator) for about 5 seconds while I'm just getting an item ready for playback (before I've pressed play). Here's what the debug navigator shows if I press pause during the hang:
When the app unfreezes after 5 seconds, just the following is logged:
RTCReporting: resolve from
A note on "answers":
I'm looking for non-obvious explanation related to the questions I posed.
This seems to be a problem with trying to play videos on the simulator. I've had this problem for months now, and just ran into it again today when I was trying to play video on my simulator.
The solution, while not great, is to use an actual device instead of the simulator for testing video playing.
This seems to be a problem with trying to play videos on the simulator. I solved by quiting other audio or video playing from my system.
You need use:
after you sound play in the real device and in simulator.
I always encounter this issue if I've got an Exception Breakpoint enabled when I play a video. If I disable it then it works fine. I've submitted a bug report to Apple also.