Our site uses ADFS for auth. To reduce the cookie payload on every request we're turning IsSessionMode on (see Your fedauth cookies on a diet).
The last thing we need to do to get this working in our load balanced environment is to implement a farm ready SecurityTokenCache. The implementation seems pretty straightforward, I'm mainly interested in finding out if there are any gotchas we should consider when dealing with SecurityTokenCacheKey and the TryGetAllEntries and TryRemoveAllEntries methods (SecurityTokenCacheKey has a custom implementation of the Equals and GetHashCode methods).
Does anyone have an example of this? We're planning on using AppFabric as the backing store but an example using any persistent store would be helpful- database table, Azure table-storage, etc.
Here are some places I've searched:
- In Hervey Wilson's PDC09 session he uses a DatabaseSecurityTokenCache. I haven't been able to find the sample code for his session.
- On page 192 of Vittorio Bertocci's excellent book, "Programming Windows Identity Foundation" he mentions uploading a sample implementation of an Azure ready SecurityTokenCache to the book's website. I haven't been able to find this sample either.
3/16/2012 UPDATE Vittorio's blog links to a sample using the new .net 4.5 stuff:
ClaimsAwareWebFarm This sample is an answer to the feedback we got from many of you guys: you wanted a sample showing a farm ready session cache (as opposed to a tokenreplycache) so that you can use sessions by reference instead of exchanging big cookies; and you asked for an easier way of securing cookies in a farm.
Here is a sample that I wrote. I use Windows Azure to store the tokens forever, defeating any possible replay.
You will need to place this in your web.config:
To come up with a working implementation we ultimately had to use reflector to analyze the different SessionSecurityToken related classes in Microsoft.IdentityModel. Below is what we came up with. This implementation is deployed on our dev and qa environments, seems to be working fine, it's resiliant to app pool recycles etc.
In global.asax: