I am trying to apply effect (sepia, brightness, bloom and other image effects if API for them is available) on an image for my android app. But I am totally unable to get precise and well mannered code or concept for solving such problem. Although Android 4.0 (API 14) have build in android.media.effect api in it but I am working in Android 2.1 which have only Bitmap, Drawable, DrawableBitmap e.t.c but i am not getting which to work with.
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I have written lots of image effects here, you can try: http://xjaphx.wordpress.com/learning/tutorials/
Note: the tutorials are meant to explain how image effect algorithms are implemented in the most simple way, it's not recommended for production usage.
As for Pete Answer I tried all of the classes he made and I'm sorry to be a party pooper but these classes are very slow it took at least 10 sec to process an Image with them. in my case I needed to process 5 images before the user can proceed with the flow.
after a few hours I came across this excellent library,(super easy to integrate with gradle):
this is an example of how to use it: