After many years of avoiding Interface Builder like the plague I decided to give it a chance. It's not easy.
Take UITableViewHeaderFooterView
for example. Like UITableViewCell
, it has a contentView
property. Unlike UITableViewCell
, it doesn't have a template in the Interface Builder object library.
How are we supposed to use Interface Builder to create a UITableViewHeaderFooterView
with the content inside contentView
? The fact that registerNib:forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier:
exists makes me think this should be possible somehow.
I also experienced the deprecation warning above and an inability to set background color, etc.. Eventually, I found that according to Apple's documentation,
Following that suggestion, I took these steps:
In viewDidLoad I registered the built-in UITableViewHeaderFooter class
tableView.registerClass(UITableViewHeaderFooterView.self, forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: "sectionHeader")
In the viewForHeaderInSection delegate of my UITableViewController, I dequeued the header view by that identifier and checked to see if the header view already contained a subview. If not, I load my xib and add it. Then I set my text as needed.
This seems to work, leverages reuse, and does not produce any warnings.
Following workarounds enable me to drag-assign IB items to code as variables. UITableViewHeaderFooterView doesnt allow that out of the box.
create a (New File/CocoaTouchClass) UITableViewHeaderFooterView .h.m.xib normally
temporarily rename superclass from UITableViewHeaderFooterView to UIView. Drag-assign your UI items to code as needed, IB will assign key-value correctly, revert back to UITableViewHeaderFooterView when done.