Clean, efficient algorithm for wrapping integers i

2019-02-01 07:02发布

  * Returns a number between kLowerBound and kUpperBound
  * e.g.: Wrap(-1, 0, 4); // Returns 4
  * e.g.: Wrap(5, 0, 4); // Returns 0      
int Wrap(int const kX, int const kLowerBound, int const kUpperBound)
    // Suggest an implementation?

2楼-- · 2019-02-01 07:35

Personally I've found solutions to these types of functions to be cleaner if range is exclusive and divisor is restricted to positive values.

int ifloordiv(int x, int y)
    if (x > 0)
        return x / y;
    if (x < 0)
        return (x + 1) / y - 1;
    return 0

int iwrap(int x, int y)
{   return x - y * ifloordiv(x, y);


int iwrap(int x, int y)
    if (x > 0)
        return x % y;
    if (x < 0)
        return (x + 1) % y + y - 1;
    return 0;

Same family. Why not?

int ireflect(int x, int y)
    int z = iwrap(x, y*2);
    if (z < y)
        return z;
    return y*2-1 - z;

int ibandy(int x, int y)
    if (y != 1)
        return ireflect(abs(x + x / (y - 1)), y);
    return 0;

Ranged functionality can be implemented for all functions with,

// output is in the range [min, max).
int func2(int x, int min, int max)
    // increment max for inclusive behavior.
    assert(min < max);
    return func(x - min, max - min) + min;
3楼-- · 2019-02-01 07:36

I would suggest this solution:

int Wrap(int const kX, int const kLowerBound, int const kUpperBound)
    int d = kUpperBound - kLowerBound + 1;
    return kLowerBound + (kX >= 0 ? kX % d : -kX % d ? d - (-kX % d) : 0);

The if-then-else logic of the ?: operator makes sure that both operands of % are nonnegative.

4楼-- · 2019-02-01 07:39

Fastest solution, least flexible: Take advantage of native datatypes that will do wrapping in the hardware.

The absolute fastest method for wrapping integers would be to make sure your data is scaled to int8/int16/int32 or whatever native datatype. Then when you need your data to wrap the native data type will be done in hardware! Very painless and orders of magnitude faster than any software wrapping implementation seen here.

As an example case study:

I have found this to be very useful when I need a fast implementation of sin/cos implemented using a look-up-table for a sin/cos implementation. Basically you make scale your data such that INT16_MAX is pi and INT16_MIN is -pi. Then have you are set to go.

As a side note, scaling your data will add some up front finite computation cost that usually looks something like:

int fixedPoint = (int)( floatingPoint * SCALING_FACTOR + 0.5 )

Feel free to exchange int for something else you want like int8_t / int16_t / int32_t.

Next fastest solution, more flexible: The mod operation is slow instead if possible try to use bit masks!

Most of the solutions I skimmed are functionally correct... but they are dependent on the mod operation.

The mod operation is very slow because it is essentially doing a hardware division. The laymans explanation of why mod and division are slow is to equate the division operation to some pseudo-code for(quotient = 0;inputNum> 0;inputNum -= divisor) { quotient++; } ( def of quotient and divisor ). As you can see, the hardware division can be fast if it is a low number relative to the divisor... but division can also be horribly slow if it is much greater than the divisor.

If you can scale your data to a power of two then you can use a bit mask which will execute in one cycle ( on 99% of all platforms ) and your speed improvement will be approximately one order of magnitude ( at the very least 2 or 3 times faster ).

C code to implement wrapping:

#define BIT_MASK (0xFFFF)
int wrappedAddition(int a, int b) {
    return ( a + b ) & BIT_MASK;
int wrappedSubtraction(int a, int b) {
    return ( a - b ) & BIT_MASK;

Feel free to make the #define something that is run time. And feel free to adjust the bit mask to be whatever power of two that you need. Like 0xFFFFFFFF or power of two you decide on implementing.

p.s. I strongly suggest reading about fixed point processing when messing with wrapping/overflow conditions. I suggest reading:

Fixed-Point Arithmetic: An Introduction by Randy Yates August 23, 2007

5楼-- · 2019-02-01 07:42

I would give an entry point to the most common case lowerBound=0, upperBound=N-1. And call this function in the general case. No mod computation is done where I is already in range. It assumes upper>=lower, or n>0.

int wrapN(int i,int n)
  if (i<0) return (n-1)-(-1-i)%n; // -1-i is >=0
  if (i>=n) return i%n;
  return i; // In range, no mod

int wrapLU(int i,int lower,int upper)
  return lower+wrapN(i-lower,1+upper-lower);
6楼-- · 2019-02-01 07:43

Actually, since -1 % 4 returns -1 on every system I've even been on, the simple mod solution doesn't work. I would try:

int range = kUpperBound  - kLowerBound +1;
kx = ((kx - kLowerBound) % range) + range;
return (kx % range) + kLowerBound;

if kx is positive, you mod, add range, and mod back, undoing the add. If kx is negative, you mod, add range which makes it positive, then mod again, which doesn't do anything.

7楼-- · 2019-02-01 07:44

For negative kX, you can add:

int temp = kUpperBound - kLowerBound + 1;
while (kX < 0) kX += temp;
return kX%temp + kLowerBound;
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