Kicking around some small structures while answering this post, I came across the following unexpectedly:
The following structure, using an int field is perfectly legal:
struct MyStruct
public MyStruct ( int size )
this.Size = size; // <-- Legal assignment.
public int Size;
However, the following structure, using an automatic property does not compile:
struct MyStruct
public MyStruct ( int size )
this.Size = size; // <-- Compile-Time Error!
public int Size{get; set;}
The error returned is "The 'this' object cannot be used before all of its fields are assigned to". I know that this is standard procedure for a struct: the backing field for any property must be assigned directly (and not via the property's set accessor) from within the struct's constructor.
A solution is to use an explicit backing field:
struct MyStruct
public MyStruct(int size)
_size = size;
private int _size;
public int Size
get { return _size; }
set { _size = value; }
(Note that VB.NET would not have this issue, because in VB.NET all fields are automatically initialized to 0/null/false when first created.)
This would seem to be an unfortunate limitation when using automatic properties with structs in C#. Thinking conceptually, I was wondering if this wouldn't be a reasonable place for there to be an exception that allows the property set accessor to be called within a struct's constructor, at least for an automatic property?
This is a minor issue, almost an edge-case, but I was wondering what others thought about this...
Another obscure work-around to this problem is one spotted in the temporary
class in the Managed Extensibility Framework (via Krzysztof Koźmic):(Full source code from Codeplex: Tuple.cs)
I also note that the documentation for CS0188 has been updated to add:
So I take that to mean that the official guidance is to use old-style properties in your structs when you run in to this problem, which is probably less obscure (and more readible) than either of the other two alternatives explored so far.
From C# 6 onward: this is no longer a problem
Becore C# 6, you need to call the default constructor for this to work:
A bigger problem here is that you have a mutable struct. This is never a good idea. I would make it:
Not technically immutable, but close enough.
With recent versions of C#, you can improve on this:
This can now only be assigned in the constructor.
You can fix this by first calling the default constructor: