If I call the command "adb.exe devices" I get a list of devices with a unique ID for each. These IDs are perfect for programming but not very human readable. Is there any way I can link one of these IDs to a (not necessarily unique) description of the phone? For example, if I have a device with an ID 1234567890abcdef is there any way I can figure that in real life it is a Motorola Droid X?
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adb shell cat /system/build.prop
is wonderful, but also as @Matt said, it sometimes differs because of different manufacture.IMHO, the most reliable approach is the built-in command:
adb shell getprop
Here is a comparison for an exception (Genymotion emulator):
adb shell cat /system/build.prop
you'll getSo there is no model value :(
adb shell getprop
you'll getHere you get the model name: Nexus422ForAutomation :)
With newer devices, you can run
adb devices -l
This will list some devices in a more human readable form
I'm using this script (on MacOS):
It produces e.g. the following output:
In Android there is a
Model number
entry in settings that shows phone name.There is a way to quickly see this via command line:
This is what's shown for Samsung Galaxy S 4G:
On a HTC Desire, the output looks like this:
You can refine your query to show only one line:
Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to do this since each manufacturer tweaks their build properties
If you type "adb help" into the command line you can see a list of the adb commands and a description for each.