I'm having an issue with an EditText control. This issue is only happening on this particular Activity and no other Activities with EditTexts. I have removed all setText calls for this EditText and the problem still persists.
I am running Android 2.3.4 on my mobile device. It is a Nexus S and running stock Android. In the emulator (running Android 2.2) this problem does not occur.
When I rotate the phone, Android automatically replaces the text that was in the EditText before the rotation. I'm not using savedInstanceState to do anything. Android is doing this itself.
My problem:
Suppose the word "test" is in the EditText. When I rotate the phone, Android will place "testtest" into the EditText when the Activity is re-created. This only happens when I use the virtual keyboard to type into the EditText, I do not click the "done" button on the virtual keyboard, I press back to remove the virtual keyboard, and I then rotate the device. If I use the "done" button instead of the back button, the problem does not occur.
Any ideas? As I said, I am NOT setting the text. All lines that call setText have been commented out.
Update 1: I have commented out everything in this Activity except the onCreate() method. Problem still occurring.
Update 2: I have created a new Activity. This brand new Activity has only an onCreate() method. The only thing in the onCreate() method is a call to setContentView (uses the same layout file) and calling super's onCreate(). Problem still persists. I'm stumped. The only thing I can guess is there's something whacky with the layout file. I haven't any idea what that would be.
Update 3: I have stripped everything out of the layout except the EditText. Problem still occurring.
I had a similar problem but I only see it when the AutoComplete is turned on for the EditText.
My work around was to disable autocomplete.
<EditText . . . android:inputType="textMultiLine|textNoSuggestions" />
To handle rotation changes yourself add your manifest
:I came up with a work-around you could try. It works by subclassing EditText, catching a couple of events and then only accepting text changes that occur when the keyboard is shown, which should filter out any changes not made by the user typing something. I still have no idea what could be causing this though.